What we do

Revolutionary cybersecurity training

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Employee Education
We produce 3 to 4 minute micro-learning episodes that educate your users on the latest threats and breaches. NINJIO releases a new episode every month, which keeps your team up to date and alert to cyberthreats.
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Real world use cases
Every episode is based on a real company that has suffered a significant breach. We focus on a single attack per episode so we don’t overwhelm your employees with technical terms.
Ninjio Cybersecurity Awareness on Laptop
How it works

What separates us from traditional training

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Emotional Engagement
We connect with your users on an emotional level in the first scene of every episode. This keeps them engaged until the very end, increasing retention and ultimately leading to fewer breaches.
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Our Philosophy
NINJIO’s core philosophy is “no more boring lectures.” Unlike most security awareness training, which is simply a “check-the-box” exercise, we want users to be engaged and have fun while they’re learning about today’s biggest cybersecurity threats
Ninjio Deep Fake Audio Scam on Laptop
See what our clients say

Our clients love what we do

Training at its best
This is cybersecurity training at its best. NINJIO provides lessons that are easy to digest for employees with all levels of technical understanding.
- Account executive from a mid-size organisations
Engaging & Entertaining
The key with security training is to make it relevant, engaging, and entertaining. I have employees waiting for the next release because they love the episodes.
- CIO in the manufacturing industry
Prevent potential threats
The most efficient defense against data breaches and viruses. This product has prevented countless potential threats from data security breaches to viruses.
- Employment coordinator in the services industry
Saab Logo
Seal Logo
Certa Ireland Logo
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Corinthia Logo
RAC Grey Logo
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