US Privacy Legislation Overview And Update – Preparing For Increased Regulation

April 27, 2021 3:00 pm
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US Privacy law is in a confusing transition as more States move to protect personal data and how it should be treated by organizations that collect and use it. With new privacy laws imminent, the question as to whether the Federal government will pass an omnibus law that will supersede, or supplement State law remains open.

With all the uncertainty it’s difficult for organizations to keep track of their responsibilities today, and many are worried about what future proposals and increased regulation will mean for how they operate.

Topics of this event includes:

  • An overview of current US privacy law, at the Federal and State levels
  • Updates on recent activities to amend existing laws, regulations, and agencies
  • An overview of patterns and trends to prepare for what’s coming down the line in the US.
John Ghent PrivacyEngine CEO
48 Minutes

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